Our members conduct more than 80% of all U.S. rental car transactions, and share an unwavering commitment to provide safe, well-maintained vehicles to their customers. The scale of auto recalls has grown exponentially over the decades, prompting the industry to improve its focus and procedures for dealing with recalls.
Specifically, we have recommended that our members apply a far more conservative standard than what the law requires or what is recommended by the auto manufacturers, as overseen by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). On behalf of our member companies, the American Car Rental Association (ACRA) has collected the best policies, practices, and procedures of our member companies and developed a Rental Car Recall Statement.
- When a member receives a safety recall notice from a manufacturer, they should not re-rent that vehicle until all repairs are completed. The only exception is when they are satisfied that the vehicle is safe to operate under the circumstances presented by the particular recall notice and/or after consulting with the auto manufacturer about the safety of the vehicle. In all cases, our member’s policy is to have the recommended work done as quickly as possible.
- Further, when manufacturers direct that a recalled vehicle not be driven because of the severity of the safety issue, the members should stop renting such models and take steps to immediately contact customers already in those vehicles to provide them a replacement as quickly as possible. All vehicles falling under these criteria shall be grounded until such recall is completed.
- All decisions our members make concerning the “roadworthiness” of any vehicle always should be based upon information and direction provided by the manufacturer of the vehicle in question.
- Members shall track recall completion rates at the 30-,60-,90-, and 120-day mark and make available to NHTSA annually on a collective basis their completion rates. Furthermore, members shall make available to NHTSA the same information on company-by-company basis for any individual recall when NHTSA so requests including information on staged recalls or parts delays.
- Members shall work with NHTSA and the automobile manufacturers to improve the recall system. ACRA hopes that the industry’s experience in purchasing more than 12 percent of the new passenger vehicles sold in the U.S. can provide valuable insight for the benefit of all vehicle owners.
This statement is intended to capture and consolidate the many diligent and responsible recall practices ACRA’s members currently follow to ensure that their rental cars comprise the safest fleet on the road today. Furthermore, ACRA’s members believe their public statement serves to further clarify their level of commitment and ensures that this level of diligence is documented and maintained in the future.