From ACRA’s executive, legal and government relations staff!

Federal Legislative Updates

Car Rental Excise Taxes
Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) signed on as a co- sponsor to the Cohen/Chabot car rental excise tax bill in the House – H.R. 4311. ACRA and its members and allies continue to push legislators to co-sponsor the House bill and are working on securing introduction of a companion bill in the Senate.

Vehicular Terrorism Legislation
Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R- PA) introduced H.R. 4942, legislation to mandate that DHS develop – with industry input – and disseminate “best practices” for rental companies and car dealers to spot suspicious activities and prevent vehicular terrorism; ACRA has not taken a position on this bill and is analyzing whether it is necessary given past legislation requiring DHS to report to Congress on efforts to prevent acts of terrorism involving vehicles. ACRA has taken a firm stand that publicly telegraphing the steps taken by law enforcement and industry to protect the public is an ineffective means of preventing bad actors from carrying out such incidents.

Federal Privacy Legislation
House and Senate legislators and their staffs are working on federal privacy legislation – a move backed my many businesses given the 1/1/20 effective date of California’s privacy law and the prospect that other states will pass privacy laws — creating a patchwork of differing mandates and standards. Senator Cantwell (D-WA), Ranking Democrat on the Senate Commerce Committee, introduced online privacy legislation in late November – setting the bar for how Democrats will approach any federal privacy legislation. Many ACRA members are active on state privacy legislation and ACRA’s leaders are deciding whether ACRA should become engaged on the federal debate on this topic.

State Legislative Updates

  • Efforts to change South Carolina’s primary/secondary law will have to wait until 2020 or 2021;
  • Michigan’s legislature is considering a $2 per day car rental tax; and,
  • Anti-car theft bill died in the California legislature and efforts to enact the bill will be restarted in 2020.

2020 International Car Rental Show

The 2020 International Car Rental Show – cosponsored by ACRA — will be at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas from March 22 – 24, 2020. ACRA members receive a discount on their show registrations and it is not to be missed! So, sign up early and join your fellow ACRA members in Vegas in 2020!