May 10, 2011 | ACRA Success
The 2010-2011 legislative session in Florida has concluded. A number of ACRA-supported victories were achieved, marking a successful legislative session. Highlighted below are five notable accomplishments from the session: Minimum Financial Responsibility (Opposed)....
Apr 25, 2011 | ACRA Success
Late Thursday April 14, ACRA became aware through one of its members that State Senator Margolis had inserted language in the State Transportation bill to restrict fees charged by rental car companies to rental car consumers who violate toll requirements and do not...
Apr 25, 2011 | ACRA Success
State senators who represent Jefferson County voted Thursday against a plan to start collection in the county of a 3 percent tax on vehicle rentals and leases of a year or less. The tax would raise $7.5 million a year, according to an estimate made a decade ago by the...