Oct 1, 2019 | Federal Laws, NHTSA
The laws and regulations governing mobility are inconsistent and antiquated and should be modernized to encourage innovation as we prepare for an autonomous car future. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) has concluded that Autonomous...
Oct 14, 2018 | State Laws
ACRA is actively working to promote and support legislation at the state level that benefits our members and the auto rental industry as a whole. To highlight recent endorsements from ACRA, we share recent communications to five state legislatures: Idaho House Bill...
Jun 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
ACRA actively encourages P2P operators to join ACRA. Here’s why we think this is a good idea: Regulation is an unavoidable fact of life: any service that provides cars to consumers, whether called rental or sharing, and regardless of technology used or length of...